When you purchase something from ourstore, as par ofthe buying and sellng proces,we colecthe personaliformationyou give us such as yourname,adres and emalladcres:When you browse our store, we also automalicaly receive yourcomputer’sinteret protocolP addresin orderto provide us withinformation that helpsus leam aboutyour browseand operating system.
Email marketing if applicable): With your permission, we may send you emails about our store., new products and other updates
How do you get my consent?
When you provide us with personaliformaton to complete a transaction, veryour credt card,place an order,arange fora delivery or retum a purchase,we implythatyou consent toour collecting it and using it for that specific reason only.
Ifwe ask foryour personalinfommaton for a secondaryreason,ike markeing,we wll itherask you direcly foryour expressed consent, or provide you with an opportumily to say no.
How do l withdraw my consent?If after you opt in,you change your mind,you may withdraw your consent forus to contact you,forthe continued colection,use ordisclosure ofyour informaton,at anytime, bycontacting us at
We may disclose your personal information if we are reguired by law to do so or if you violate our Terms of Service
Our store is hosted on wordpress, They provide us with the onine e-commerce platform that allows us to sell our products and services to you
Your data is stored through wordpress data storage,databases and the general wordpress application. They store your data on a secure server behind a firewall
Ifyou choose a drect payment gatewayto complete yourpurchase, then wordpress your redt card data.tis encrypted through the Payment Card industny Data Security standard(PCLDs).Your purchase transaction dat is stored only aslong as is necesanto compleie vour purchase transaction. Afer thatis complete.your purchase transaction informaion isdeleted.
Aldirect paymen gateways adhere to the standards set by Pc-Dss as managed bythe Pc! security standards Councl,whichis ajoint efort of brands likeVisa,MasterCcard, AmercarExpress and Discover
PCl-DSS requirements help ensure the secure handling of credit card information by our store and its service providersFor more insight, you may also want to read Shopify’s Terms of Service here or Privacy Statement here
In general,the third-party providers used by us wll any collect,use and disclose your information to the extent ecessary to allow them to perform the sericesthey provide to us.However,certainthird-party serice providers, such as payment gateways and other payment transaction proessors, have ther own privacy poicies in respect to the infomation we arerequired to provide to them for your purchase-related transactions.
Forthese provider, we recommend that you read their privacy policies so you can understand the manmer in which your personalinformation willbe handled bythese provider
In particular remember that certain providers maybe located in orhave facltiesthat are located in a diferent urisdiction than eitheryou orus, so ifyou electo proced with atransaction that invoves the serices of a third-party serice provider, then your informaton may become subiect to the laws ofthe jurisdictionls in which that senice provider or itsfacilities are located.As an example, ifyou are located in Canada and yourtransaction is procesed by a payment gateway located in the United States,then your personalinformation used in compleling thattransaction may be subject to disclosure under United States legislation, including the Patriot Act.
Oce you leave our stores website orare redirected to athird-party website or application, you are no longer govemed bythis Prvacy Policyorourwebsites Teamms ofsarice
When you click on inks on our store,they may direct you away from our ite, We are not responsible forthe privacy practices of other stes and encurage you toread ther privacystatements.
To protect your personalinformation, we take reasonable precautions and folow industly best practices to make sure itisnotinappropriately lost,misused,acesed,disclosed. aleredor destroyed.
Ifyou provide us with your credt ard informaton, the infomation is encpypted using secure socket layer technology (sl) and stored with a AEs-26 encyption. Athough no method oitransmision over the lnteret or electronic storage is 100% secure, we folow allC-Dss reguirements and implemen additional generaly accepted industry standards.
Here is a list of cookies that we use, We’ve listed them here so you can choose if you want to opt-out of cookies or not.
_session _id, unigue token, sessional, Allows Shopify to store information about your session (referrer,landing page, etc).
_shopify_visit, no data held, Persistent for 3o minutes from the last visit,Used by our website provider’ intermal stats tracker to record the number of visits
_shopify_unig. no data held, expires midnight (relative to the visitor of the next day, Counts the number of visits to a store by a single customer.
cart, unique token, persistent for 2 weeks, Stores information about the contents ofyour cart.
secure session id, unique token, sessional
storefront digest, unigue token, indefinite lf the shop has a password, this is used to determine if the current visitor has access
Byusing this site,yourepresent thatyou are at least the age of magjortyin yourstate or province of residence, or that you are the age of majorty in yourstate or province of residence andyou have given us your consent to allow any of your minor dependents to use this site.
We resenve the right to modify this privacy policy at anytime, so please reviewit frequently, changes and clarfications wlltake efect immediately upon their posting onthe website .liwe make material changes to this policy,we wil notify you here that it ha ben updated, sothat you are aware ofwhat information we colect, how we useit and under whaicircumstances, if any, we use and/or disclose it.
If our store is acquired or merged with another company, your information may be transfered to the new owners so that we may continue to sellproducts to you
fyou would like to: acces,corect, amend or delete any personalinformation we have about you,register a complaint, or simply want more infomation contact our Pivacy CompliancOfficer at